Privacy Policy

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company (LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS) is engaged in the business of selling the New Life Promise Products and distributing information in the form of newsletters, current research, and articles and selling e-books, audios and videos (Products) associated with nutrition, diet, health and overall well-being through its web site (the Web Site). Therefore, routinely, in the course of business, LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS may receive personally identifiable information such as your email address in addition to other information secured by our service providers such as your credit card, telephone number and address (Personal Information). In an effort to secure our customer's trust and confidence, we have taken various measures to protect your privacy relating to you and your transactions conducted on our Web Site, or through any of our active service providers, such as (Affiliate). is a third party online retailer specializing in digitally delivered products that accepts all online product orders for LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS as more specifically described below (see Third Party Financial Institutions & Affiliates).

This Privacy Policy describes the Personal Information we obtain from you, what we do with your Personal Information, the safeguard measures we, or our Affiliate has in place to protect it, and to what extent you can control our use of such Personal Information. By using the Web Site, the user agrees, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by this Privacy Statement.

When you provide Personal Information to our Web Site, you hereby consent to the manner in which LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS and its Affiliate collects, manages, protects, and discloses your Personal Information in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

Third Party Financial Institutions and Affiliates

When you purchase e-books, audios and videos on our Web Site, you must submit payment information directly to Clickbank, including your credit or debit card number, as well as your zip code. Such information may be recorded and filed by Clickbank to fulfill your orders. In addition, when you return previously purchased products or request a refund or exchange, you may be asked to give your name, address, and other identifiable information. Clickbank collects this information to prevent fraud and identity theft. If a user contacts any employee or affiliated person, a record of that correspondence may be kept.

Passive Collection of Personal Information

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS reserves the right to passively collect information related to usage of its Web Site such as time spent on the Web Site, areas visited, and sites linked to and from the Web Site. Please be advised that the Web Site may collect additional information and may install cookies on members' hard drives. The use of cookies will allow us to improve our Web Site based on the user's preferences and is a widely used industry practice of online businesses. However, the cookies are stored on the user's computer, not on our Web Site. If you do not wish to receive cookies, or would like notification of when they are placed on your computer, you may set your browser accordingly, if permitted.

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS also uses Google Analytics for Display Advertisers. You can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertisers and opt out of customized Google Display Network ads by visiting the Ads Preferences Manager. Alternatively, if you wish to opt out of customized Google Display Network ads, you can use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS also uses remarketing to advertise online. This means that third-party vendors, including Google, show ads from LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS on sites across the Internet.

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as the DoubleClick cookie) together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on your past visits to the website of LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS.

Security of Personal Information:

We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect against unauthorized access, use, modification and disclosure of Personal Information in our custody and control. We are committed to employing reasonable technology in order to protect the security of our Web Site. However, even with the best technology, no web site is 100% secure. We will take reasonable measures which we believe are appropriate to protect your Personal Information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction, and, where possible, will ask that any third parties to whom we may transfer such information to take comparable steps to protect that security.

Usage of Personal Information

Your use of this Web Site constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. In accordance with this Privacy Policy, your Personal Information may be used for record keeping, to improve the content of our Web Site, to customize the site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you have requested it), site management, fulfillment of requested purchase orders, and marketing and research purposes to those who have consented to such marketing.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS will not disclose Personal Information collected from users of the Web Site to third parties, except to companies with which the Web Site is actively affiliated, to contractors we use to support our business (technical support, delivery services, and financial institutions, such as ClickBank) whereby we will require such third parties to treat such Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, and in connection with the sale, assignment, or other transfer of the business of this Web Site to which the information relates. LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS may hire third parties to review certain Personal Information to advise it on demographic and marketing related issues, but only after such third parties have agreed to maintain the confidentiality, security, and integrity of any Personal Information contained in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

Other Uses of Personal Information

LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS also uses Personal Information, including information provided to us from our service providers, to continually assess and improve the products and services we offer. To serve you better, we may combine the Personal Information that you give us with publicly available information and information we receive from or cross- reference with our marketing partners and others. We use that combined information to enhance and personalize your shopping experience with us, to communicate with you about our products and events that may be of interest to you, and for other promotional purposes.

Promotional Information and Marketing Materials

We would like to inform you of products and services, sales and special offers that might benefit you. You will have the opportunity to sign up for e-mails about our products, services, sales and special offers.

If you would like to stop receiving such promotional information from our Web Site, There is a link at the bottom of email correspondence, which allows you to Opt-Out of receiving further correspondence.

Disclosures of Personal Information in Legal Proceedings: If LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS, its service providers or its Affiliate are requested by law enforcement officials or judicial authorities to provide Personal Information on individual users, LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS or the applicable third party provider may,, without your consent, provide such information. In matters involving claims of personal or public safety, LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS, or the applicable service provider may provide your Personal Information to appropriate authorities without your consent or court process. LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS or its service providers also will provide your Personal Information in response to a search warrant or other legally valid inquiry or order, or to an investigative body in the case of a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, or in litigation involving LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS, the applicable service provider, or otherwise as required by law. We may also disclose Personal Information to assist in debt collection where you owe a debt to us.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

If this Privacy Policy is modified, the revised policy will be posted on this site within a reasonable time. Please check this Web Site periodically, specifically before you provide any Personal Information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on December 6, 2012.

Application of United States Law

The Web Site is intended for users from the United States and those not governed by privacy policies of other countries. Users from the European Union are advised not to disclose Personal Information to us. Information sent to us will be housed on servers in the United States. Do not submit your Personal Information such as your name and email address unless you consent to the application of U.S law and to the use and disclosure of your information consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Access to Personal Information by Companies that Work with or on Behalf of LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS Inc.

Some of our operations, such as our electronic commerce, may be managed by service providers who are unaffiliated companies. These companies may share Personal Information with their affiliates and with service providers whom they engage to perform services related to our Web Site or the operation of our business. Examples of these services include payment processing and authorization, fraud protection and credit risk reduction, product customization, order fulfillment and shipping, marketing and promotional material distribution, web site evaluation, data analysis and, where applicable, data cleansing. These companies may have access to your Personal Information on a confidential basis only to the extent necessary to perform their functions. In no event will we authorize these companies to use your Personal Information for any reason other than to provide you with those specific services.

Privacy Preferences / Opt-Out: The Web Site offers users the ability to opt out of receiving further email updates on fitness, nutrition, and exercise by clicking on a link where you can change your preferences to receive or not receive marketing, newsletter, and informational materials. You may update these preferences at any time. You may also change your marketing preferences or remove yourself from our mailing list by clicking on an "unsubscribe" hyperlink contained at the bottom of the promotional emails we send to you.

Our Privacy Statement and Outside Links: This Privacy Policy only applies to this Web Site. Our Web Site may include links to the web sites of our business partners, vendors and advertisers. These other sites are outside of our control. Please be aware that these websites may collect information about you, and operate according to their own privacy practices which may differ from those contained in our Privacy Statement. Please read carefully that web site's own privacy policy, as once you leave our Web Site, any information you submit is no longer in our control.

Contacting Us: If you have any questions concerning our Privacy Policy, a member (or any other user of this Web Site) you may contact us at: LIVE SMART SOLUTIONS, Inc. with its principal address located at 109 E. 17th Suite 5738, Cheyenne, WY 82001, or via email via our contact us page.

109 E. 17th Suite 5738
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Last Updated: December 26, 2018

Copyright © Live Smart Solutions LLC.
All Rights Reserved.